Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Brand New Journey Starts Tomorrow

 OMG...I'm blogging.  Beats the hell out of writing in a journal...especially when you want to share some stuff & really don't want to post it on Facebook!  Point being since I have never done patient with me~I write like I talk & sometimes that bounces from here to there.
  We will talk about all the ups & downs of being over 50 as we progress thru the journey.  But now, today I want to start with a brand new journey that I begin tomorrow......BIO~IDENTICAL hormone replacement therapy.  Yes-sir-ree I have my first appointment tomorrow @ 1:00 with Med Solutions Compounding Pharmacy.  A Pharmacy?!?!?  Wait a minute...don't we do the Doctor first & then go to the compounding pharmacy for  the o-so special designed just for you hormone cream that is going to make you feel o-so much better?  Nope, apparently we go to the pharmacy first, get a 6 panel hormone panel done...then it is sent to a Doctor that deals specifically with Bio-identical treatment...then the Doc sees you, with all sorts of questions....then my special-compounded just for me-hormone topical cream is made & I am on my way to feeling fine. 
   Okay..okay I have been hearing about bio-identical hormone treatment for 15 years...and then Oprah made it mainstream.  I have read everything I can get my hands on about this treatment for the last 5 years.  Why....because I have felt like literal cow dung since I was about 38.  Went to all the favorite was're getting older...let me pat you on the head.....oh, lets give you antidepressants cause your stressed!
My OBGYN refused to check my hormone levels...I was too young to be starting the big M! Well after much fighting he finally did check...and wa-la I had none!!!!!  I did the big M @ 45...but no way could I have any kind of HRTs..cause they decided after all this time they were bad!  "You just have to deal with it."  Even a few female Doctors I went to see were unwilling to help. a woman what do I do?  Go to plan B of course.
   I started studying..talking to people...reading everything I could get my hands on..both pro & con about bio-identicals.  My big surprise was that standard HRT is made from horse pee!  Anyway...I digress....after I had finally made up my mind to pursue my plan B treatment....couldn't find a Doctor in my town that would even talk about it....& the few that did had no idea what they were doing.  (what I looked like a little lab rat!)  I finally found a doctor that was knowledgeable....but wanted $500 to start with-give me a break.  Oh & insurance does not cover it~figures.  That was 5 years ago.  I gave up.  I decided to "just deal with it".
  I am 56 now....feeling like cow dung is a part of my everyday life....hell I am so use to it I have forgotten what it feels like to feel good...have's that??? lol   Or sleep thru the night....oh my to sleep thru the night.  Sorry, digress again.............I started my hunt again & I have an appointment tomorrow.  It's affordable, reputable and have over 300 female patients.  If this turns out to be even 60% of what it is supposed to be....then it will be so worth it and I will be screaming from the roof tops to every woman I know that is going thru or has gone thru the big M  to run...not walk....down to the little compounding pharmacy.  That's why I am be the lab rat for all the women in my town that are feeling like cow dung cause their hormones have taken the high-five express to a far off place.  The journey starts tomorrow @ 1pm.....I'll be blogging the minute I get home!


  1. Bio-Identical is the only way to go when you are trying to replace hormones. I am going to get my testosterone gel on right now :) You are going to be feeling much better very soon I think! Keep us posted, I'm eager to hear of your progress.

  2. Thanks for being the brave "guinea pig"!! I have seen the hormone replacement tv ads and thought, "man, I have had 0 hormones since age 38 when I had my overies removed!!". So, thanks for sharing everything...and be specific, please!! If this works for you, they will have a new patient in me!! Good luck, "lab rat"!!
