Saturday, June 4, 2011

How many relationships have gone down the toilet because of hormones?!?!

  I was scrolling thru my Facebook tonight...cause I don't know about anybody else, but I have to check my Facebook at least 3 times a day....& I had a post from a fellow telling me he was following my blog.  He went on to tell me he knew it was supposed to be for the ladies, but he wanted to read it; & then told me how his ex-wife had been suffering from some of the same stuff that I had talked about for 20 years! 
  He got me to many relationships have gone down the toilet because of hormone whack-outs and women feeling like cow dung?  And then....oh God....I had to look at my own relationship hurl brought up a lot of crap (no pun intended!)  Now granted there were other big~huge~boulder size problems that caused the demise of said relationship...but looking way back when there was peace, tranquillity & love (all that junk) in our then oh-so-perfect union, I remember when things began to change for me physically & emotionally.  I had already been to the doctor..and he had finally found out I had no hormones...but I somehow didn't think it would really affect my day to day living, except I just didn't feel good.  But I also had other things going on in my life: raising 3 children, taking care of Mom & Dad, working, running a business....being superwoman!!!  UGH!  Perfect indicators of stress...da!  And when the Doc said "its stress" and put me on antidepressants....he didn't mention anything about "hey..your lack of hormones is contributing to your problems".  Well double da!  Nooooo....he just treated me like a whacked out female...what do we do with whacked out females?....we put them on drugs!!!! ......and I never questioned him! 
  Okay..okay back to the relationship reflection.  Bottom line upon reflecting I remembered during this era there were many times I could not stand the sight of the man I shared my life with. I just couldn't stand him.....for no reason.  I would get angry over nothing....cry over stupid junk...pick a fight just cause I could.  I felt like hell, I was angry all the time, barely had energy to go from point A to B....scared to death that my mind was slowing going south.  And oh heavens....lets not even go to the bedroom side of life...that was cow dung city too.  Needless to say the relationship never recovered for alot of reasons (hind-sight tells me "thank God"), but I am here to tell you ~ had I been able to manage my hormone levels the folks around me & myself included would not have suffered so much.
  So now to the question...How many relationships have gone down the toilet because of hormones?  I will bet a butt-load!!!  Not to say that hormonal imbalance was the sole reason..but I suspect it contributed greatly.   See~ the deal is we women have these great coping skills.  We can fix anything (or find someone who can), we have a solution for 99% of any problems or situations that come our way.  This is the way we are built from the beginning of time.  We are the fixers~the nurturers~the glue.  OUR HORMONES DRIVE US.  They keep us quick, calm, motivated, loving, focused, sexy, confident, energized, sassy, joyful and together.  We grew up with them..they have always been there....we take them for granted and bitched when our periods always arrived at the most inopportune time.
....................................and then they're gone.  It's like driving a car and all of a sudden someone sneaks in and rips the steering wheel outta the car....and there we are....driving with nothing but air!
    So what happens when we are in a relationship with a husband, boyfriend or companion; & its just a wee bit shaky anyway....all of these things I have mentioned above have managed to keep everything in tow.......and now they are gone.  All of the coping skills are gone!!!  Our minds are shot...can't focus...don't have the energy to deal with any of it....see no way's all such a pain in the butt.....just get me out!!!  And...boom....can we spell D-i-v-o-r-c-e?  Whether its a marriage or long term live still is a divorce.
   Now hold up....before we start beating ourselves up(which we do second nature for anything that goes wrong!)  for a break up that could have been prevented had our hormones not gone south....DON'T!!!!  Most of us know good & well that there were good, solid reasons why our relationship went bust....and most likely for the better.  But we do have to wonder what part did not having a hormone steering wheel play in the grand demise of it all?  For me.....I would have bucked it up a hell of a lot more....maybe handled it all with a little more grace...who knows.
   I am so glad we have some guys along for this ride. I find it interesting it was a man who tweaked me to examine this relationship bust~hormone participation thing.  I mean for years I just figured I was the whacked out female the doctors made me believe I was.  But of course after several years of research & snooping...I have discovered the cause of my cow dungness in mind, body & spirit.  However,until tonight for some reason unknown to me...I never had thought about the relationship collateral damage of hormone whack.
Thank you Joey for being willing to read, understand and prompt yet more enlightenment on a subject that we women folk are trying so hard to navigate thru.


1 comment:

  1. What an interesting thought! I know I'm in no place to shed any light on the subject but speaking from a biological standpoint it continually amazes me that so many modern practitioners have such a lackadaisical attitude about our endocrine systems. Although I did have a boyfriend who could argue with me for about 2 minutes before he would ask about my monthlies and damn if he wasn't always right. Go figure.
